
Disc Golf Event


digital caddy book

Presented by

Findlay Toyota Flagstaff Logo

August 10/11, 2024


2024 official Schedule

Saturday 10 August

Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course

Player’s Meeting

Round 1 – Shotgun Start

11:30AM +/-
Putting Contest

Sunday 11 August

Fort Tuthill Disc Golf Course

Player’s Meeting

Round 2 – Shotgun Start

11:30AM +/-
Awards + BBQ

Event Details

Contact Info

Tournament Director:

Nick Allen
PDGA #39848
(928) 607-5821

Birdogie Disc Golf

Player Video

general rules

You are playing Alternate Shot. Forget what you read on Google or what you played in league. Today, there can be only one! 

From the first drive to the last putt you are trading shots with your partner.

No best of, just one drive, one up shot, one putt…if yer lucky!

All other disc golf rules and etiquette apply.

  • All players are expected to follow PDGA rules for tournament play.
  • No 2 Meter Rule.
  • Weather Delay will be marked by 3 blasts of the air horn. 30 Minute minimum break in play.
  • Playoffs will be settled by sudden death, starting from Hole 1.

Scoring + udisc

Install and Use UDISC For Scoring.

  1. Everyone Needs to Check-In to the Highlander Event.
  2. Designate one official and one alternate scorekeeper.

All players will need to check into the The Highlander Classic 2024 – 4th Annual event on UDisc

  1. Open Udisc.
  2. Touch Events.
  3. Touch The Highlander Classic 2024 – 4th Annual.
  4. Touch Check In.

I will have the majority of you added to the event already. Some of you may not have an account or you may not have been associated with the correct account for UDISC.

We will have plenty of time to clean that up before we start on Saturday. Look for Nick or other TD’s and listen for the announcement for assistance with this.

Download UDISC

Udisc the App for Disc Golfers



  • We are in Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. No open flames or smoking on the course. Do it and you’re gone.
  • Any chance of hitting someone is too much.
  • Do not damage our forest, remove trees, or branches. You’re gone.
  • Do not litter. You’re gone.
  • Be respectful when others throw.
  • Help find discs.
  • Remove your disc from the basket.
  • Keep your cool.
  • Don’t nice me bro!
  • Do not call out a player’s score unless asked directly.
2024 Prizes

All cash winnings and prizes will be paid to the Winners following the event via PayPal. Payout amounts may vary based on late registrations, merged divisions, or dropped players/teams.

Awarded for all divisions:

1st Place: $500

2nd Place: $250

3rd Place: $150

Putting Contest

Pool A – $250 / $150 / $100

Pool B – $250 / $150 / $100

Course details

Fort Tuthill DGC

22 Holes | Par 72

Hole 1 / Par 3: Double Mando | Drop Zone Right / OB Long and any road surface.
Hole 2 / Par 3: Double Mando | No Drop Zone / OB Long
Hole 3 / Par 3: Double Mando | Drop Zone Right / No OB
Hole 4 / Par 4: Double Mando | Drop Zone Middle / No OB
Hole 5 / Par 3: Mando Stay Right | No Drop Zone / No OB
Hole 6 / Par 3: Double Mando | Drop Zone Right / OB Long & Left
Hole 7 / Par 3: No Mando / OB Long & Left
Hole 8 / Par 3: Double Mando | No Drop Zone / No OB
Hole 9 / Par 3: Double Mando | Drop Zone Left / OB Parking Lot
Hole 10 / Par 3: Double Mando | No Drop Zone / No OB
Hole 11 / Par 4: Double Mando | Drop Zone Right / OB Long Right

Hole 12 / Par 4: Double Mando | Drop Zone Middle / No OB

Hole 13 / Par 4: Double Mando | Drop Zone Left / OB Long Bike Path

Hole A / Par 3: Mando Stay Left | No Drop Zone / No OB

Hole B / Par 3: Mando Stay Right | No Drop Zone / No OB

Hole C / Par 3: Mando Stay Right | No Drop Zone / OB Right 89A

Hole 14 / Par 3: Double Mando | No Drop Zone / OB Right 89A

Hole 15 / Par 4: Double Mando | Drop Zone Left / OB Left Bike Trail, Right Road

Hole 16 / Par 3: No Mando / No OB

Hole 17 / Par 3: No Mando / No OB

Hole 18 / Par 4: Triple Mando | Drop Zone Middle / OB Left Parking Lot, Right Road

Hole D / Par 3: Double Mando | Re-tee / OB Right Road

  • Find shade to stand in.
  • Mind hikers, bikers, and spectators.
  • Bathroom facilities are located near the parking lot.


Rules of the Mulligan

  • You can only use 2 per round.
  • Must purchase your mulligans before the round starts.
  • You must declare your Mulligan by saying “I love disc golf.” and tearing your ticket in half.
  • Must play from your second shot.
  • Mulligan shots do not count for the Ace Pot or CTPs.

Putting Contest

Putting Contest

  • You will be playing 9 Holes with 3 stations per hole.
  • Scoring will be
    • 1 point for Station 1, 2 Points for Station 2, and 3 Points for Station 3.
    • A perfect score for each hole will total 6 points.
    • Each player can take a second ‘put back’ attempt at a missed putt
    • But a second missed putt will result in -1 points for each station.
    • Three missed putts with three missed ‘put backs’ would result in a -3 for that hole.
  • You do not have to take a ‘put back’.

Your Putting Contest holes will be assigned and score cards distributed after lunch on Saturday.  This is a separate contest and not required. This is disc golf, nothing is required. Except maybe pants. Please wear pants.

All cash winnings and prizes will be paid to the Winners following the event via PayPal.


All divisions will play for their CTPs during Round 2.

Division / Hole

All / Hole #1 – Cash CTP

FA1 / Hole #6 & Hole #7

MA1 / Hole #2 & Hole #10

MA2 / Hole #2 & Hole #17

MA3 / Hole #6 & Hole #7

Masters / Hole B & Hole D

The Cash CTP will start with $50 and grow with your buy-in. You must buy-in to win the Cash CTP. You’ll add your cash to the Duncan McCleod Pot O’ Gold before each round.

For the Cash CTP, confirm with your card mates what disc/throw is in play before throwing, play the Hole in accordance with your card. Then the remaing players will get a chance at the Cash CTP.

All cash winnings and prizes will be paid to the Winners following the event via PayPal.

Thank you!